Friday, September 10, 2010

My Friend Ella

when i first met Ella it was like a lightning bolt went through my heart and bonded us together.  she sat on a chair by the elevator in the assisted living home clutching a big blue cloth bag with everything she owned in it.  socks, undies, pennies, cotton, old paper. nothing really. and i immediately loved her.  as i got to know her i recognized her as Jesus.  giving, loving, putting everyone else first, innocent, simple.  i cut her hair, i took her for coffee, we laughed, we sat and looked at the water, i even took her to wade in the sea, i took her home to meet my kitties, i looked for Lithuanian recipes to remind her that Lithuania was not lost to her.  she has the best sense of humor, she has the best understanding of the simplicity of life, she appreciated everything she had.  the first time i cried was when i looked in her closet. it had nothing but ill fitting, old, crummy clothes. i compared that to my closet.  it was humbling. when i visited her i always had her brush her teeth first. dementia patients dont remember and those last coupla teeth i know she needed to keep. so we brushed and then she would take my hand and gleefully, like a child, she would walk with me and i would take her into the sunshine. she would swing herself up into my "white wagon" as she called it "like a monkey" i would tell her and every single time she would throw back her head and laugh. every single time at the same old joke.  and yep, i laughed too.  if only for an hour. and we would talk, the same old subjects, and i would repeat my reassurings to her.  we had 3 good years together.  and now Miss Ella is in the hospital - pretty weak and beat up - she fell and now doesnt seem to be able to swallow. St Mary's is doing what they can. i just wanted to let you know that Ella and her kind came to us to show us and teach us. can you all just do what you can for old, decrepit, throw aways? please. even if a smile, even if you bring a pot of flowers anonymously to a home. someone will keep that in their heart for a long time to live on.

1 comment:

BB said...

May I take the opportunity to attest the love and care Miss Ella is receiving from her friend. The care giver is the most loving a beautiful lady in the known universe; I know Ella is in good hands.