Friday, April 2, 2010

Lady Bird, Lady Bird, Fly Away Home....

Oh my goodness! how lovely the shiny red m&m shelled, black-dotted bug.  And such handy little eaters of my fat aphids that are surreptitiously making lunch of my new rose buds.

I keep them sleeping in the fridge in a small pot.

and then as the sun sets I bring a few pinches out to sprinkle on the rose bushes - as soon as they feel the warmth of my hand, they stir and wiggle their little black legs and away they go seeking out their dinner!  Yum!

Our park had a lovely rainbow yesterday:

 And keeping up with the brand new Trines, look what Heather made!  Just gorgeous! and she gave it to me 

It seems to have popped out of the carpet!

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